Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 11, 2010

Opinion essay

Television has appeared a few decades ago. Nowadays it is one of the most common entertainment, almost each family often possesses one for their own because of its advantages. 
Television is really hepful for our life. It can help us avoid dropping out of the modern world. People,young or old rather enjoy watching it everyday because there are many kind of program suitable for all the ages.For the old,they are usually attacted by the news of economy or social over around the world. All of them is tranferred from other countries to audience through the sattelite quickly and accuratelly. Moreover,Television has brought us a colourfull and lively view about the sequence of important events inner or outer of a country. For the younger, It practically exciting for them who want to travel around the world,we don't have to spend a lot of money for any fee. Television is the best choose to satisfy their needs,we can see discovery or the world around us channels, It's really interesting ang gripping. Many people said that they like go to the cinema to watching films than watching Television. Instead of wasting a lot of time for moving,standing in a queue to by ticket,why we don't try watching television at home,it will cheaper,more convinient;especially, nobody could disturb us during enjoying films. In fact,Television is more helpful than we think,everyone can understand the culture and tradition of many country; or we can also easy to get a large number of knowledge from others channels on Television. Sometimes the music channels can help us reduce stress effectively. After working hard,sitting down on the comfortable chair in front of te Televison and then we can enjoy many favourite songs that we like. After searching the idea of my friends,For the major part,they said that when the people watching televison,they only focus on the program without say anything,There for they thought that Televison has destroyed the communication among the people.It is maybe true in some case;But in my opinion, I think that Television is the best way to make the relationship among the people closer. During watching Televison all the memmbers of a family can sit around and criticize about the plot and characters that was attracted them,they can show their felling and emotion together,the atmosphere will be more fascinating and exciting. What about the others? Every year,there are millions of viewers in front of their Televisons To watch live TV program of important events, such as international football matches, at the same time as they are happening,everyone,not separate boys or girls,the old or the young,all of them always strring about that.In short,Televison has brought us closer ang closer.
Generall,there are many difference idea about the helpful or harmful of Televison,in my opinion TV has an important possition in modern life.Our world will be boring without having Televison.

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