Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 11, 2010

Narrative essay

       I and Phuong had studied at the same class of grade 10, we were always treat well each other. Phuong was born in unfortunate family, her parents had died in the serious accident when she was only nine years old,hence,she has to live with her grandmother who is Phuong's father mother. Phuong's grandmother took care of her carefully. She loved Phuong liked a mother to child.Phuong was a good student in our class, she usually willing to share her knowledge for all friends, she oftens achieved good mark for whole the examination and recommend from terachers;but,incredibly,s he fail in the university of Education. That was a big suprised to her and all of us.she was seemed to be frantic with the result. Nevertherless,she has tried a lot to get over the failure,at the end,she has achieved her passion.
Before the examination,almost everyone include teachers and friends extemely respectted and relied upon her ability.the bad result had made her disappointed.her grandmother was very sad,too.Phuong even cuoldn't believed in what happened.Becoming a good English teacher is a great dream of her when she was a child.Phuong came back home after recieved the bad news,she didn't say anything with others exept cried and cried a loy.After few months i went to Ho Chi minh city for study,I could't keep in touch with her,i didn't know why,sometimes i called for her,but i just heard the sound"The number you have dialed unavailable,please try again".The time passed,i have completed my first year at the university,one day I recieved a strange number,I picked up my cellphone,it was an acquaited voice,That was my close Friend. "Phuong" i shouted loudly her name. I really happy and i cound't believe in what i was hearing.she told me that sae was studying in the university of education. Her dream has come true. I asked her why she escaped out of my life,i really upsaid.We weren't meet each other for a long time. She said that"Sorry Thuy,I know everyone always anxious about me; but,you know when i fail the exam i was verry disappointed,I frankly want to died because of my shame,i don't dare face to face with our teacher and our friend;However,my grandmother had brisked me up. She said that i should't abandon my hope,my dream,dream remains unreal if i don't do my best.Everything isn't come easy without an effort.She helped me come back to real life,she raised me up,showed me the value of the life."
I brusted to tears when phuong shared her felling,I really admired at her,she is a bright mirror for me to follow. And now the rasult of her all attempt is the status in the university. I have learnt an important lesson in my life. It is"Never give up and Believe in ourself"

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